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1. How confident are you in Pete Buttigieg’s ability to reduce “flight delays and cancellations”?

Gay Boy BUTTigieg is the perfect fit for the completely incompetent Biden administration. He's done absolutely nothing in his role of Secretary of Transportation, just like he failed as a Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, so badly that the City fell apart during his time as Mayor! After his scandals with his Police Department, instead of fixing the problems, he demoted the Black Police Chief and caused an immense black backlash in his city! As Secretary of Transportation he has the blame of all the supply-line breakdowns, the Railroad Labor Strikes, Airline failures to maintain good travel times and personnel and has done nothing to improve infrastructure in the US, as he was supposed to! He's been absent on the job for most of his tenure during critical times! Someone should transport him to a Greek Gay Bar where he will fit right in with his Dumb Ass!!

2. Are you a hugger?

More of a Slugger!!

3. Make a gift or buy a gift?

Make a Friend or Buy a Friend?!

4. Ever been to Illinois?

I like to stay out of poorly run Democrat States, and now I realize I'm right in the middle of one of the Worst, If not the Worst!! Certainly, the most unconditionally corrupt!!

5. Camelot, South Pacific, Guys and Dolls, The Music Man, My Fair Lady, or Man of La Mancha?

Ask Pete Buttigieg!!

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